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Clean Industrial Deal a First Step but Bolder Plan Needed to Defend European Aviation’s Competitiveness in Net Zero Transition

By  Brussels,
  • Destination 2050 partners acknowledge the mention of aviation in the Clean Industrial Deal presented by the European Commission today,
  • However, the Clean Industrial Deal falls short of delivering a comprehensive aviation industrial strategy to achieve effective decarbonisation whilst preserving the sector’s far-reaching socio-economic benefits and competitiveness,
  • Aviation decarbonisation requires urgent action spanning all four decarbonisation pillars outlined the Destination 2050 roadmap. Sustainable Transport Investment Plan will be the first step, but more is needed, both in terms of policy and investment safeguards.

Brussels, 26 February 2025 — Europe’s aviation sector Represented by A4E, ACI EUROPE, ASD, CANSO Europe, ERA welcomes the Clean Industrial Deal (CID) as a positive first step towards balancing industrial decarbonisation and economic competitiveness, but reiterates its call on the European Commission to go beyond and take concrete steps to safeguard the aviation industry’s competitiveness with a dedicated strategy and action plan.

The CID is yet another recognition of the need to support low-carbon fuels and charging infrastructure for aviation. But competitive aviation is about more than just fuels. The Destination 2050 roadmap outlines four key pillars to get aviation to net zero, including Sustainable Aviation Fuels, air traffic management (ATM) optimisation, new aircraft technology and economic measures. Each of these requires targeted support from policymakers. The Draghi Report has already proposed a suite of measures that now require urgent action from the Commission. While the sector awaits the Sustainable Transport Investment Plan (STIP), the Commission must act now to secure a more competitive and sustainable future for European aviation by:

  • Recognising aviation’s strategic importance as a key driver of Europe’s economic growth with a comprehensive aviation strategy,
  • Implementing an EU industrial strategy for Sustainable Aviation Fuels that accelerates cost reductions and scales up production,
  • Delivering specific support mechanisms for the implementation of Fit for 55,
  • Rolling out alternative financing mechanisms to support the sector’s transition,
  • Supporting continued research and industrial scale up support to unlock next-generation aircraft and ATM technologies to maximise efficiency gains.

The Destination 2050 alliance, committed to climate neutral European aviation, sent a letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on February 12, outlining proposals for concerted, multi-stakeholder efforts to make the transition to net-zero carbon aviation a reality.

The window for decisive action is closing. The EU must take the lead to ensure European aviation remains globally competitive throughout this transition. The time to act is now.

About A4E

Airlines for Europe (A4E) is Europe’s largest airline association. Based in Brussels, A4E works with policymakers to ensure aviation policy continues to connect Europeans with the world in a safe, competitive and sustainable manner. With a modern fleet of over 3,600 aircraft, A4E airlines carried over 718 million passengers in 2023 and served nearly 2,100 destinations. Each year, A4E members transport more than 5 million tons of vital goods and equipment to more than 360 destinations either by freighters or passenger aircraft. A4E is #Flyingforourfuture with our commitment to Europe and our call to action for incoming European policymakers. Find out more at


ACI EUROPE is the European region of Airports Council International, the only worldwide professional association of airport operators. ACI EUROPE represents over 600 airports in 55 countries. Our members facilitate over 90% of commercial air traffic in Europe. Air transport supports 14 million jobs, generating €851 billion in European economic activity (5% of GDP). In response to the Climate Emergency, in June 2019 our members committed to achieving Net Zero carbon emissions for operations under their control by 2050, without offsetting. Based in Brussels, we lead and serve the European airport industry and maintain strong links with other ACI regions throughout the world.

About ASD

ASD is the voice of the European Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries. Based in Brussels, the association’s overall representation adds up to more than 4,000 companies, accounting for 98% of industry’s total turnover and 92% of its total employment in Europe. ASD actively supports the competitive development of our industries in Europe and worldwide by advocating common positions and providing technical expertise to public institutions and member companies. For more, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.


CANSO – the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation – is the global voice of the air traffic management (ATM) industry and is shaping our future skies. Our members support over 90% of the world’s air traffic and include air navigation service providers, airspace users and operators, manufacturers and aviation industry suppliers. We raise the bar on global ATM performance by connecting the industry to share knowledge, expertise and innovation.

About ERA

Founded in 1980, European Regions Airline Association (ERA) is a non-profit trade association representing over 50 airlines plus around 150 other companies involved in European air transport and is the only association that bring together the entire spectrum of companies involved in European aviation. The association supports and defends the airline industry in providing safe, efficient and sustainable air connectivity to all regions of Europe. By lobbying European regulatory bodies on policy matters, ERA promotes and protects social responsibility, environmental sustainability and the development of regional economies and local communities.